The libraries of the South have a role, and sometimes even a form, special and different from the others.
They are often places that animate projects that go beyond the borders of the city ghettos and the isolation of the villages, to reach the vast suburbs and schools of the most remote villages with books, educate to legality, overcome the barriers of disability, preserve the memory and the identity of places.
From the tiny library of Stromboli, to tactile books for the blind in Foggia, to writing workshops for children in the central districts of Palermo, up to the visionary project of a three-wheeled library for the most remote villages of Basilicata, Pagine del Sud is a real and imaginary journey through the great variety of territories, resources and problems of education in the South, from the point of view of an unexpected narrator.
Alberto Bougleux (Rome, 1976) is an Italian documentary filmmaker.
Since 2002 he has made a large number of documentaries on artistic and social issues in Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Portugal, Bosnia Herzegovina, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Somalia, Canada, Mexico. Selected at ESoDoc - European Social Documentary (2005) and Berlinale Talent Campus (2008), his works have been broadcast in Italy and Spain and selected in numerous national and international festivals: Biografilm Festival, Memorimage, Visioni Italiane, Movies That Matter, Paris Human Right Film Festival, DocumentaMadrid, SheffieldDocFest, MediMed, FICDH Buenos Aires. He is the author of the subject and screenplay of Souvenir Srebrenica, nominated for the David di Donatello for best documentary in 2007. In 2016 he was invited as artist of the month at the CCCB - Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, the city where he has lived and worked since 2005.
Data sheet
Written, Directed and Edited by
Albert Bougleux
Produced by
Apulian Film Commission
Foundation with the South
Executive production
Open Fields Productions
Director's assistant
Saverio Tavano
Sound Engineer
Giuseppe Tripodi
Sound Editing
Miquel Jou
Duration: 50 mins
Year: 2021